Do I Need an Electric Breast Pump?

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it can also come with challenges and questions.
One common question that many new mothers consider is whether they actually need an electric breast pump. Not everyone does; some mums just prefer breastfeeding or don’t feel they want the hassle of carrying extra equipment or sterilising bottles.
But there are plenty of reasons why a breast pump might be beneficial on your breastfeeding journey, especially if you want a bit more freedom to go out without your baby, or you’re transitioning back to work.
Here are some of the main reasons you might want to use an electric breast pump:
Breastfeeding and returning to work
If you’re transitioning back to work post-maternity leave, but you’re not sure you’re ready to give up breastfeeding, a breast pump gives you the ability to do both. You’ll need to get your little one used to drinking expressed milk from a bottle in the run-up to returning to work, but once they’ve got this down, they’ll be able to benefit from your milk even when you’re apart. Pumping in a quiet space at work will help you store up milk and keep your supply in check.
The convenience factor
One of the primary reasons why a breast pump can be a game-changer for many mothers is convenience.
A breast pump allows you to express milk and store it for later use, giving you the flexibility to feed your baby even when you're away or unable to nurse directly.
This is particularly helpful if you’re a working mama, as it enables you to continue providing breast milk for your baby while you’re at work.
Building and maintaining milk supplyFor some mothers, especially those whose babies have trouble nursing, a breast pump can help to establish and maintaining their milk supply.
Regularly pumping can boost and stimulate milk production and ensure a healthy continuous supply for your baby. If your baby is unable to latch directly, a breast pump means you can still provide them with the valuable benefits of breast milk.
Bonding and shared feeding
While breastfeeding is a special bonding experience between mother and baby, using a breast pump can give other family members the chance to help out. It allows partners, grandparents, caregivers, and friends to feed the baby breast milk, fostering a sense of connection and involvement. A breast pump can also be useful if your baby ends up on a neo-natal ward or in intensive care, so they can still benefit from your milk.
Overcoming breastfeeding challenges
A breast pump can help iron out all sorts of breastfeeding challenges. Whether you're dealing with engorgement, blocked ducts, or nipple pain, a breast pump can help to relieve discomfort and maintain milk flow. It can help to thoroughly empty your boob, and can sometimes help to reduce the risk of mastitis and other nasty infections.
It’s a personal choice
So, do you really need a breast pump? Everyone’s needs will be different. Not everyone finds a breast pump essential, but it can offer numerous benefits at different stages of breastfeeding, whether you're looking to build your milk supply, enhance convenience, share feeding responsibilities, or overcome challenges.
Some mums find a breast pump invaluable when they are just starting out, while others don’t feel they need one until they go back to their job, or want a bit more freedom to go out without their baby. At the end of the day, it will come down to your lifestyle, your breastfeeding goals, and your individual needs as to whether a breast pump is the right choice for you and your baby.
Still undecided?
If you're unsure about whether you need a breast pump or how to incorporate it into your routine, consult a lactation consultant or healthcare provider for personalised guidance and support. You can also jump on our website live chat if you have any questions about our award-winning Wren Breast Pumps.