Meet the Mums: Brodie
After formula feeding her eldest baby, who was born during the Covid-19 pandemic, mum-of-two Brodie wanted to give breastfeeding another shot after the birth of baby Caius.
Brodie struggled to get the right breastfeeding support following the birth of her first baby Oscar, now three, during the Covid-19 pandemic; but wanted to give breastfeeding another try when she fell pregnant with baby number two, Caius.
“I remember having little support during that time so my breastfeeding journey actually stopped after three days with my eldest and I went on to formula feed. Fast-forward two years and I knew this was going to be my last baby and I wanted to try so hard to breastfeed but I also said I wouldn’t pressure myself.”
A firm believer in ‘fed is best’, Brodie wishes society would stop judging mothers on how they feed their babies, and says she “soaked up all the help” she could on all things breastfeeding after admitting that she felt a bit naive the first time around.
“First time around I had no idea what a latch was and I was naive to think you just had a baby and put them to your boob and ‘hey-presto’- you were breastfeeding! I had a breastfeeding specialist available in the hospital to talk to this time around and I soaked up all the help.
“I’m still breastfeeding now at nine months. I don’t know how long we’ll continue for, I guess until we’re both ready to stop but my aim is until Caius is at least a year old.”
Wren’s Wearable Breast Pump has become a daily essential for Brodie since she returned to work as a disability support worker, and she pumps mainly to keep up her supply and stock that freezer!
“I love my Wren Electric Breast Pump. I take it to work with me and on the go, it’s discreet and it does what I need it to do. I charge them up, take them to work, and can just pop them in when I get that feeling that my boobs are getting full or around the time when I would be feeding my baby. Finding a time and routine that works for you is so important.”
Wren’s Hands-Free Breast Pump first popped up on Brodie’s Instagram and she’s recommended it to friends and subscribers of her YouTube channel too.
“I like that they’re quiet and the milk storage bottles have lids, which is a huge help when pumping on the go. Extra parts for the pumps are a huge plus too, most pumps don’t come with extras and I like the colour range too. I found that a lot of breast pumps can be a bit ugly but my Wren pumps are really stylish.
Brodie’s Wren Go-To Balm: One balm, multiple uses!
“The Wren Go-To Balm is a staple for me for my flyaway hairs, (tell me you’ve had a baby without telling me you’ve had a baby, right?) and I’ve used it on patches of dry skin and even on my baby's bum. It’s amazing for sunburn too.”
“Being able to take care of myself, my children, our home and everything in between mostly on my own does feel like a superpower”, says Brodie, whose ex-military husband works away in the week.
She admits the invisible load of motherhood can be tough, as can the constant to-do list in your head (we hear you Brodie!), so she loves nothing more than indulging in a hot bath or working on her YouTube channel when she can steal a few hard-earned minutes to herself.