Top 6 tips for breastfeeding mums

Getting the hang of breastfeeding isn’t easy, but once you’ve found your flow and established a routine that works for you (and your baby), try out these six smart moves to make things smoother.
Grease those nips
Sore nipples? We hear you. This shiz is the bain of every breastfeeding mum's life. But sometimes, a little lube is all you need.
As well as acting as a healing salve for tender nipples, a dab of nipple balm is a great way to protect your skin when pumping.
While breast pumps should fit comfortably without any lubrication, adding a slick of slippery lube can totally reduce friction and help your breast and nipple to slide against the breast pump cushion. Some people even find that the extra freedom of movement helps to simulate the suckling and encourage your flow to come through.
Fancy giving it a try? As well as expertly lubricating nipples and soothing cracked skin, there are a wealth of ways to use our Go-To Balm, from reducing stretch marks to removing make-up, treating nappy rash and more.
Use your flange as a funnel
Worried about spilt milk when you’re decanting from your Wren breast pump? We’ve designed a little workaround to help you store breast milk safely.
When you’re ready to pour, pop out the flange from your pump and use it as a funnel to pour from the collection bottle into a milk storage bag.
Voila! Accidents will be a thing of the past and you won’t need to worry about wasting a drop.
Gummy eyes, be gone!
Breastmilk has to be one of the most magical substances ever. As well as providing all the nutrients your new baby needs, it’s also a kind of medicine.
Just like a bowl of pro-biotic yoghurt, this stuff is alive! It’s full of antibacterial cells and antibodies to help your baby fight off infections and boost their immune system.
And it doesn’t just have to be used as food! If your little bub is suffering from sore, gummy eyes, give each peeper a little squirt of milk during your next feeding session and watch that liquid gold work wonders (after the shock has worn off!).
The history of breast milk being used as medicine is truly fascinating. In the 17th Century, it was used to treat all sorts of conditions, from hysteria to consumption, earache, fainting - and even blindness!
Sprung a leak?
Until your body gets used to breastfeeding (and - occasionally - even after you think you’ve got it down…) leaks can be a real issue. Yes, it may be totally natural to letdown or spray without warning when you hear another baby cry, or so much as *look* at a picture of your darling son or daughter…but that doesn’t always mean it’s helpful.
Until you adjust and get better at going with the flow solely when your baby is on your boob, there are a couple of tips and tricks we’d recommend to make life with leaks a little easier.
Firstly, apply pressure. If you feel the tell-tale tingle of a let-down happening, put a hand over your nipple and push towards your chest to help hold the tsunami back.
Breathable, bamboo breast pads are also an absolute life-saver and can help you leave the house without fear of milk stains blooming across the front of your favourite t-shirt.
Chin chin!
From the cradle hold to the koala, there are tonnes of different ways to breastfeed. But whichever you choose, there are a few basics that it definitely helps to get right. To remember them and achieve a perfect latch, just use the acronym CHIN.
CLOSE - Make sure your baby is near enough to you to fit your nipple and a good portion of boob into their mouth.
HEAD FREE - Check your baby is able to tilt their head back while feeding, so they can lead from the chin when they go to feed.
IN-LINE - Your baby's head and body should be in a straight line during every feed, If their neck is twisted, they may find it harder to swallow.
NOSE TO NIPPLE - Your nipple should be just under the baby's nose, so it slips right into their mouth into the correct position for feeding as they rootle around.
Work it out
Is it just us, or does anyone else feel most like a milk machine when their breasts are engorged? It’s often bad early on, when you’re getting used to a new feeding schedule, but it can also come back with a vengeance when you start to wean, or your little one begins to try more solid foods.
So, when engorgement strikes, what’s the best way to tackle it? We find a cold compress can be useful to relieve pain and swelling, while a warm compress can encourage let-down.
Our ultimate weapon is a lactation massager, though. Switch it on and use it to massage your boobs, stimulating your flow, helping them to empty and moving milk forward as it builds up.
Lactation massagers have lots of other uses too. Mastitis? Clogged ducts? Under-supply? Tick. Tick. Tick!
Find more breastfeeding tips and tricks in The Nest.