Meet the Mums: Dani

“I felt every feeling”
Luckily for mum-of-two Dani, 25, breastfeeding has always come easily for her and her babies despite her eldest Oakley, now three, spending time in the NICU after being born at just 3.8lbs during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“When I started breastfeeding for the first time with my eldest I felt every feeling, my first thought was: How the hell do I do this? I had birthed alone and had an emergency c-section. Oakley was in the NICU for two weeks and was tube fed but he practised latching and I pumped too.
“Once we got started,iIt was quickly followed with a magical feeling and feeling that this was an amazing thing that my body could do.”
She thanks amazing midwives, and a few fabulous knitted boobs, for helping her breastfeed despite a tricky start but she still thinks more help is needed for new mums.
“He was born early and very sleepy so he struggled to stay awake for a whole feed, I would pump, then tube feed but we got there and I breastfed him until he was two years and two months old. It was just one of the best things ever, we worked so hard
Dani, who is a dancer and dance teacher, says she feels immense love for what her body has been able to do. Especially following the birth of latest arrival Effie-May, who is now seven months old and still going strong with breastfeeding. She adds that becoming a Wren Mum has been a huge help on her pumping journey and hopes she can breastfeed as long as Effie wants to, and hopes she will self-wean like her big brother.
“The love that you feel for your body is amazing. Especially because of all the pressure you feel about how to feed your baby and the judgement that can come with those decisions.”
Dani’s Wren Hands Free Breastpump has been a life-saver since the birth of her daughter as she previously found herself pumping hidden away in cupboards after returning to work and still breast-feeding her first.
“My Wren pump has made pumping so much easier whilst out and about. I’ve got the Wren Nipple Bubble too which has made collecting a stash of milk for the freezer effortless.”
Wren mum Dani says her top tips for breastfeeding include keeping yourself hydrated and trusting your body to provide what your baby needs.
“The number one thing is to trust your body. Have confidence even if you feel like you want to hide away in a corner. Remember to ask for help if you need it. Get yourself some Wren Bamboo Breast Pads and LOOK AFTER YOURSELF! If you “look after you”, the magic gold will look after your baby.”
Life at home is busy for Dani, and partner Matthew who she described as Oakley’s hero and Effie’s first love, and she admits she gets “very little” time for herself. When she finally does, exercise and movement is the go-to option.
“Finding time for yourself does get easier. For me, I try not to worry about being present at every mealtime and that way I can use that time for me. I like to workout or go to a fitness class or even walk the dog by myself for 30 minutes.”
Being part of the Wren Nest has been great for Dani, who has made friends with other Wren Mummas who had experiences with their babies being in NICU.
A proud breast-feeder, she would love to see more feeding support available as standard for new mums, both in hospital and from specially trained health visitors at home visits.
Discover the journeys of more mums as they share their stories and experiences with the highs and lows firsthand.