Meet the Mums: Vicky

“Our first feed was a breeze, then things got difficult”
Mum-of-two Vicky, has had a real mixed-bag when it comes to her experiences of breastfeeding.
After a traumatic birth with Eleanor, now five, Vicky had to have emergency surgery, spending two hours in the operating room away from her new baby. Not at all what she had in mind.
“My breastfeeding journey with Eleanor was very different. I was planning on breastfeeding but lost a lot of blood in surgery and despite our first feed being a total breeze, I had difficulties after that.”
After surgery delaying her milk coming in, Vicky found little Eleanor getting more and more frustrated.
“I used to pump to encourage my milk supply but back then I was wired to the wall (no lovely Wren Hands Free Pumps back then!).
By day eight, frustrated and exhausted Vicky introduced formula and slowly decreased breastfeeding before stopping at three months.
“I held on to a lot of pain from this, and I still do to an extent. I felt like my body didn’t work and I felt like a failure. So with Billy I was determined to make it succeed.”
By the time new arrival Billy, now six-months old, was born a LOT had changed.
“I read up on infant feeding behaviours, followed lots of breastfeeding content on social media and I invested in a Wren Double Hands Free Breast Pump.
“Billy’s birth was far less traumatic and I felt more relaxed about breastfeeding as \i was more informed and here we are, six months in and still going strong.”
Vicky says the duo did have their hiccups though but she reached out to a local breastfeeding support service for help and was advised to try different holds on one side which worked a treat.
“I just love the closeness and the look you get from your baby while you are feeding them and continuing to nourish them. It’s unlike any other. When you look at the science behind it, breastfeeding and nursing is an incredibly magical thing.”
Vicky says her Wren Double Hands Free Breast Pumps help her to feel confident about feeding this time around. She says that she will be led by Billy and feed for however long he wants to, be it a year, or two, or three!
“I feel confident about returning to work now too, knowing that I can pump when I’m away makes a big difference.”
Research played a big part in the success of Vicky’s latest breastfeeding journey and she advises anyone wanting to breastfeed to “surround yourself with positive breastfeeding content” and find your local breastfeeding support group.
“We have one in Melton Mowbray once a week where trained breastfeeding support workers run the show, it’s free for mums to attend and is full of other mums always up for a chat. If you’re nervous about breastfeeding in public then you can always take a partner or friend with you. The first feed out is always the most nerve-wracking but before long you’ll be feeding daily in your local coffee shop like me and it won’t be an issue.”
Despite traumatic birth experiences and troubles with breastfeeding, she believes the mental load of motherhood and “mum guilt” can be the hardest part of being a mum.
“It’s so hard to share that load, mum guilt can totally eat you up BUT surround yourself with your tribe. You aren’t the only one that has these feelings and it’s amazing what a cup of tea , and a chat with a fellow mum going through the same thing, can do for you.”
Environment-conscious Vicky says using cloth nappies has always been a big part of her journey, and cloth wipes are a great way to make a sustainable switch.
She jokes that her superpower is being able to smell “a trump or a pooey nappy before it has even happened”. Something that has become a standing joke and provides constant entertainment for her and her husband.
Read more stories of breastfeeding in our Meet the Mums section.